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What’s a WordPress site without a blog?

If you have landed on this site, you will notice that I have yet to work on the rebrand. But in the meantime, I learned something about myself.

I cannot create a new site, or redesign a site of my own without it having a blog. I can’t really explain why. It’s like some feverish moment I have where I feel that the site is naked. Lacking substance. Like peanut butter without jelly. Well, maybe not exactly like that.

In any case, in my delirium, I feel I must do what needs to be done. And damned the fact that I haven’t even launched this site yet.

With all the advances in web and technology, and social media beckoning us in all directions, I fall back on a blog. It’s like something that needs to be here. I have no promises of what it will hold. Which is okay, since I have always have something on my mind to write about.

So I have done it. Published the first post here. In fact, I will likely start blogging here before I even finish the site. Crazy huh?

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